From August to December 2024, John and Sen embarked on Round 1 of the journey to collect Whānau Voice within the Mid-central rohe covering Ōtaki, Horowhenua, Papaioea, Manawatū, and Tararua.

Engaging whānau and hapū/ Iwi to gather Whānau Voice is a legislative requirement of Iwi Māori Partnership Boards (IMPBs) as part of the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022.

Several collection methods have been used including interviews, surveys and workshops. Ensuring Whānau have Data Sovereignty is at the forefront through a robust consent process, secure storage and giving kōrero back to whānau.

Round 1 has seen good coverage in Tararua and Papaioea with Whānau interviews. We would like to increase engagements with Whānau through interviews in Manawatū, Ōtaki, and Horowhenua for Round 2.

We have seen good coverage in Manawatū, Tararua, and Ōtaki with Whānau workshops. We like to increase Whānau workshops in Horowhenua and Papaioea.

We have seen minimal engagement with Whānau surveys being the least preferred method by Whānau, however will be increasing online access across social media platforms, website, and pānui as an option.

Tāhū Ora, the operational arm of Te Pae Oranaga o Ruahine o Tararua, has welcomed Rārite Mātāki in the role of Data Analysis and Policy to support the theming, findings, and analysis of Whānau Voice from Round 1.

We look forward to sharing the insights and the actions taken from Round 1 in the coming weeks. Keep your eyes and ears peeled!