About us

Ā mātou tangata

Te Pae Oranga o Ruahine o Tararua Charitable Trust (Te Pae Oranga) formally became one of the eleven initial Iwi Māori Partnership Boards (IMPBs) in 2022 as part of the new health reforms of the Labour Government.

Te Pae Oranga is an Iwi Māori Partnership Board (as legislated in the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act 2022) that is made up of seven Iwi representatives, two Mātāwaka representatives and a Tangata Whaikaha representative. We also have a Kaumātua Advisor that sits along side the Board.

The seven Iwi that are represented on the board are:

  • Rangitāne o Manawatū
  • Rangitāne o Tamaki nui-ā-Rua
  • Ngāti Kahungunu ki Tāmaki nui-a-rua
  • Ngāti Kauwhata
  • Te Kotahitanga o Te Reureu
  • Muaūpoko Tribal Authority
  • Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga

Te Pae Oranga has an operational backbone called Tāhū Ora, located in Palmerston North.


March 2024

Te Pae Maunga Mō Te Mana Ōrite – The Path To Health Equity

10 OCTOBER 2023

Ngā Uara

Core values


Te Pae Oranga acknowledges the importance of unity and cohesion in all we do with each other and others.


Te Pae Oranga recognises the power of belonging and its importance to ensuring the success of achieving our vision.

Te Reo Māori

Te Pae Oranga acknowledges and upholds te reo Māori as our key identity and what makes Māori so unique as tangata whenua of Aotearoa.


Te Pae Oranga upholds the leadership, self-determination, sovereignty, independence, and autonomy of each other, and whānau.


Te Pae Oranga upholds the sanctity of our spiritual connections as a people and to the places we live.


Te Pae Oranga serves its whānau by serving as guardians for equal and better well-being outcomes for whānau.


Te Pae Oranga demonstrates its support and kindness, generosity and respect for each other, and whānau.


Te Pae Oranga understands that as iwi we have a connection to each-other that is more than a mutual understanding but is by blood ties and tikanga.


Te Pae Oranga will strive to ensure there are opportunities for the organisation and whānau to develop the skills and knowledge to live fulfilling and healthy lifestyles.